3 to 10 Hectares
Postponed payment
75 %
3 – 10 hectares: €100.-
> 10 Hectares
Postponed payment
65 %
11 – 20 hectares: € 10.- / hectare
21 – 50 hectares: € 15.- / hectare
51 – 100 hectares: € 20.- / hectare
> 100 hectares: € 30.- / hectare
> 10 Hectares
Immediate payment
75 %
11 – 20 hectares: € 10.- / hectare
21 – 50 hectares: € 15.- / hectare
51 – 100 hectares: € 20.- / hectare
> 100 hectares: € 30.- / hectare
=> 1 hectare / member
65% Farmer
10% Cooperative
> 1 hectare: free
Billing yearly
Cost based on total surfaces
Payment after reception of proceeds
Termination from the 6th year
Billing yearly
Cost based on total surfaces
Payment on joining
Termination from the 6th year
Assigned automatically by Alberami
For all farmers with areas between from 3 and 10 hectares
Termination from the 6th year
Available for Cooperatives or
Membership grouped as a cooperative
Termination from the 6th year