Offset your CO2 emissions Offset now Get extra income Company ? Get extra income Are you a Farmer ? Join Alberami



Offset CO2 emissions of your company and make a contribution to climate protection



Join Alberami as a proactive farmer and get profit from your land



Offset CO2 emissions of you and your family: a step ahead to carbon-neutrality



Offset CO2 emissions of your company



Join the Alberami community and get profit from your land



Offset your CO2 emissions and of your family

Our strategy for sustainability

The smarter strategy to take care of our ecosystem

Climate change, rising temperatures and CO2 in the air are a tangible consequence of human action.

Much can and must be done for the common welfare of humans and the environment in general. On the one hand reducing CO2 production and on the other hand offsetting the CO2 that will necessarily be produced.

On average a person produces 5 tons per year of carbon dioxide, the common goal must be to reduce production to some extent and compensate with other ecological activities for the residue to achieve climate neutrality.

Alberami Ecosystem

Our ecosystem joins two opposite worlds to achieve carbon neutrality



Companies can combine their CO₂ emission reduction strategies with voluntary offsets and at the same time offer active support to the rural area.

Individuals have the opportunity to eliminate their environmental footprint by actively contributing to land protection through the promotion of environmentally friendly farming activities.

chi intrappola co2


Adopting sustainable and regenerative farming practices contributes to the reduction of CO₂ emissions and is an immediate, economic and lasting solution to both climate change and low agricultural profitability.

Taking care of your own plots by becoming more sustainable while generating additional income…huge potential to be capitalized !


A clear, transparent and unambiguous system that turns a problem for the environment into a resource to be enhanced

Join Alberami !

Offset as Company or join as Farmer.

Company CO2 Offsetting

Offset your emissions, reduce your carbon footprint and support climate protection !










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    You will receive the relevant Contracts to be returned duly signed.

    I declare that I have read the information on the protection of personal data available qui
    I authoriz e the processing of my personal data in compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)
    I acknowledge that the collected data will NOT be disclosed to third parties for advertising purposes.

    Join Alberami.

    Reap the benefits of being a proactive farmer in the alberami ecosystem

    You’re welcome to Alberami.

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    Puoi aderire come Impresa oppure come Agricoltore (clicca sulla tua scelta)

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      (*) Campo obbligatorio
      Il presente formulario non è un contratto vincolante, ma una richiesta di Adesione.
      Ti invieremo in seguito i relativi Contratti da restituire debitamente firmati.

      Dichiaro di aver letto l'informativa sulla protezione dei dati personali disponibile qui
      Acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR)
      Prendo atto che i dati raccolti NON verranno ceduti a terzi per fini pubblicitari.

      Inizia la tua prova gratuita senza alcun impegno.

      Ti aiuterà a capire meglio i vantaggi di far parte della Piattaforma Alberami.

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      Ti diamo il cordiale benvenuto in Alberami.

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      +39 351 821 4474

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      TECNONIDI Development Grant APULIA Region